Blog The Best in Marriage
Posted on 10/22/2018 in Nikah
The Best in Marriage

The Best in Marriage - NikahExplorer

As Muslims Allah has asked us to seek the best of the best; in our personal as well as our professional lives. He has asked us to also do our best so that we have no regrets or no complaints when we meet our Creator. And we should pray to Allah for the best. This includes who we marry.

Allah has asked us to go for the person who is the best in their faith and imaan. Many of us marry for reasons that are quite different. We think of marriage as a task that must be accomplished and hence many in our society just settle for what they think is fine. But is that the best? No. All of us do not want to settle for something mediocre. We all have been created by Allah to seek the best, that is why we seek the Jannah, the best of the best worlds. Then why would we want to settle with a mediocre life partner instead of who is truly worth us?

Praying to Allah for the best spouse is something all single Muslims should do. Don’t pray to allah as if this is something that just needs to be done. Pray to Him to grant you a life partner who is not only the absolute best but is also the absolute best for YOU!

The Prophet (PBUH) said that when we ask Allah for something we should ensure we ask for the best and ask Him for Jannat-ul-Firdous which is the best and highest part of Jannah. Just like we would care about our destination of finality in the same way we should also care about who we will spend the rest of our lives with. For you will be the half of the person and you will be their garment. Ensure it is the best one that you have ever worn!

And remember that it is Allah who will grant you the best, if only you ask. He is the granter of the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon. Do you think He will not be able to grant us the excellence we desire? He can grant us much more than our imagination and then more than that. So always have the best intentions and He will grant them to you effortlessly. The best job, the best car, the best life, the best health and the best spouse; you ask Him and it’s granted. Ameen