Nomansarwar, a Never Married muslim man in Pakistan is looking for marriage partner

Muslim Men Pakistan Nomansarwar
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  • 27
  • M
  • Hanafi
  • Never Married
  • Pakistan
  • Engineer
  1. Email Verified
  2. Self Created

Assalamualaikum, A young born muslim, a software engineer and working in a software house, I am single and never married yet, looking for a faithful woman for a marriage Insha'Allah, I am fine with either single, divored or a widowed woman, reverted muslims would be prefered! If interested, drop me a message here or email me at Salam!

My self-summary

Assalamualaikum, A young born muslim, a software engineer and working in a software house, I am single and never married yet, looking for a faithful woman for a marriage Insha'Allah, I am fine with either single, divored or a widowed woman, reverted muslims would be prefered! If interested, drop me a message here or email me at Salam!

My long term goals

Have a faithful woman!

What I love most about Islam

Peace and blessing, Alhamdulillah

Things I'm looking for in a partner

A religious woman who care about Pardah (vieling) things, reverted muslim would be prefered!

You should message me if

if you are hijabi or willing to adopt veiling things!